DBRS warns of the impact of the increase in insolvencies on Portuguese banks’ non-performing loans (NPL). BCP sells another portfolio after selling the Corporate Restructuring Fund.
BCP has put a portfolio of NPL worth €65 million on the market, according to information gathered by ECO from a market source. This is the “Light Project” that the bank led by Miguel Maya put up for sale last month and which includes loans in default and unsecured.
The year 2023 has been marked by a low volume of NPL transactions in the Portuguese market, after the national banks made a huge effort to clean up their balance sheets in recent years, which allowed them to reduce their NPL levels to 3%.
Even so, in the case of BCP, which declined to comment on the operation, the trend of reducing balance sheet risks continues. As has been the case with the rest of the banking sector.
Meanwhile, Novobanco revealed in its report and accounts for the first half of the year that it had also sold its position in the restructuring fund with a gain of €4.3 million. It seems that BCP and Novobanco sold their positions to Oxy Capital, the fund’s management company, while Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Banco Montepio will launch an organised sale process this month.
Other banks are also carrying out NPL operations. For example, Santander Totta sold three portfolios – Pool 58, 59 and 60 – with a total value of around €130 million. These portfolios include secured and unsecured mortgage loans.
At BPI, the “Citrus Project” involved the sale of a portfolio of problematic secured and unsecured loans also worth around €130 million.
Original Story: CNN Portugal | Alberto Teixeira
Photo: Millennium bcp website
Edition and translation: Prime Yield