Corporate defaults hits new record in Brazil

In April, defaults reached 6.5 million Brazilian companies. This was the highest number recorded by Serasa Experian’s indicator since 2016, when the historical series began. The value of debts also reached a record amount, totaling R$ 117.5 billion. On average, each CNPJ has about seven negative accounts.

According to the economist of Serasa Experian, Luiz Rabi, the economic framework of the country continues to impose challenges to entrepreneurs. “The analysis remains the same. Factors such as inflation and the Selic rate are affecting consumers’ purchasing power,” he says. “With expensive inputs and high interest rates, companies’ cash flow does not find room to grow, which makes it unfeasible for business owners to pay off debts.”

Last month, businesses in the service segment accounted for 54% of all defaulters. Next came commerce, with 37%, followed by the industrial (7.7%) and primary sectors (0.8%), and the category “others” (0.5%) – which includes financial companies and the Third Sector

The analysis by Federal Unit showed that São Paulo is the state with the highest number of defaulting companies. In second place was Minas Gerais, followed by Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia.

Original Story:  Metropoles | Carlos Rydlewski
Photo: Photo by Svilen Milev in FreeImages
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